

Radical Ideals


The Traditionist Ideal and Monarchy

Traditionism has a simple set of values. A Traditionist believes in foundational First Principles, in traditional values so ancient Thomas Aquinas and Constantine and Aristotle would have followed them. Traditionists believe in Faith in God, in Family, and in Monarchy.  As Traditionist we believe that truth is objective, that virtue is the highest ideal, we recognize that death is better than dishonor, and that beauty is something worth fighting for. We decry the democratic principle that claims that human rights are a First Principle, instead we believe that human responsibility is the true First Principle. Culture is built on traditions and customs, and laws are actually less than traditions. God is the head of the Traditionist party, which is why we have a traditional faith founded on traditional, orthodox Christianity. Just as we have an ancient faith, so to do we have an ancient system of justice, and of politics. In an age of uncertainty, Traditionism is ancient stability. We are not conservatives, because conservatism is not even Christian. We are what conservatism was always meant to be. We are the fulfillment of your heart’s need for archetypes. We will usher in The Return of the King.

Featured Monarchist

The Mad Monarchist