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A Traditionist Party

A Traditionist Party

The old parties of the nation do not represent traditional values. They are stuck in either the Oligarchical stage or the Democratic stage in the cycle of nations. Neither party holds the key to the future. As such, it is time to resurrect the ancient ideals that governed a more moral time, and to that end, the Traditionist Party was born. A party simply refers to a group of persons united around a set of ideas, in this case, traditional ones. Traditional ideas are by nature neither new nor purposefully progressive, although it is paradoxically through the process of reconciliation of those ideas with each other that true progress can ever be made. To say that one believes in traditional ideas is the same as an engineer who refuses to ”let go” of his belief that a circle is the proper form of a wheel simply because the next generation of engineers believes otherwise. Traditional ideas and practices stem from logic, philosophy and theology that came into existence long ago, but also when the world was in a different set of circumstances. The ideas that have survived over many different sets of circumstances and years have more than a mere rational power; they have empirical evidence and immense human experience to back them up. The purpose of this site is to form a centre around which Traditionalists can gather; a place where a genuine party of Traditionalists may be formed. This is not necessarily a political party like Labour or The Republican party, though the future may bring that about. For the time being, it exists to define, connect, and communicate traditional ideas and practices to the post-modern world we were all born into.

Traditionalists are, like our conservative cousins, not particularly focused on creating parties of ourselves or organizing for action like the progressives, simply because we are focused not on the post-modern State (an institution we would rather replace than reform), but on the daily labours of our lives, and traditionalist practices, which can take up a lot of time. Unfortunately, in the year of our Lord 2020 the twin shocks of: 1. The draconian statist response to a relatively mild pandemic, and 2. The loss of faith by both the far left and the entire right in both the primary and general electoral system in the United States shattered our complacency and forced us into action. The undoing of the work of the founding fathers of the “Enlightenment,” with all their attendant political, religious, civil and even sporting institutions has been quite a shock to everyone, but especially those of us on the Right, and with the ending of the old modern, humanist ideals, we have all been forced to examine things that before we had been content to leave well enough alone. A return to truth, goodness and beauty once more is the vision of the Traditional Press, and that dream requires a traditional understanding of the world. Our purpose is to resurrect in popular understanding the truths and concepts that were hushed up, covered over, and/or condemned in the Modern age of revolution, which began in 1776, and worsened in 1917. The fact that the Western World, and the United States in particular, is entering into a period of tyranny with no end in sight is perfectly predictable (and was predicted, for anybody that cares to read the classical philosophers, Plato in particular), as it is the logical end of all republics. Traditionalists, like Conservatives, do look to the past to find the point in time where western civilization first began to undermine its own foundation, but our view is longer (centuries vs. decades) and our medicine is therefore stronger. In our view, the destruction of the monarchies and the overthrow of the Church were the first visible consequences of that departure and both were great calamities not to be rejoiced at but rather repented of. In short, we look to the return of the king, both literally and mystically.

It was with reluctance that this site was created; we are busy people with real and demanding jobs and families, and the increasing censorship has only increased the difficulty and, in some cases, danger, for those who oppose the existing narrative to express themselves. This is particularly true for Traditionalists, who hold ideas (like monarchism) that are opposed even on the relatively tolerant Right. However, it is our resolution that, though we may be repressed everywhere, we will, nevertheless, persist. The need for tradition exists in the souls of every man, woman, and child, and though the enemy attempts to taint and poison the mind, truth will always succeed. Only in the hearts of the willfully blind has the desire for ultimate truth been extinguished, for the rest of us, we will find truth, even if it costs us our lives.

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The Future must be Forged!

“A return to truth, goodness and beauty once more is the vision of the Traditional Press, and that dream requires a traditional understanding of the world.”

Jonathon Roberts

author of the traditional press

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With a burning need to pursue ultimate truth, and an inability to exist without writing SOMETHING today, Jonathon harnessed his vision and drive into the creation of the Traditionist party; a platform designed to reconcile politics and religion, establish a family-centric value system, and pursue the building up of the truly natural man. Using his talent for wordsmithing, Jonathon has created compelling, factual content on multiple platforms, and ceaselessly pursues the dialectic. With an unwavering eye, he has dedicated his life to the building up of Traditionism in his own heart, and helping his fellow man along the way. In this time of trouble, Jonathon found that he was compelled to lay out a visionary plan of saving the remnant.


“an inability to exist without writing SOMETHING today”

The Crew

A gaggle of excellent misfits

Many persons from all over the world have contributed to the Traditional Press, but some are absolutely essential to its daily function. Joshua Roberts is the Press’s editor and historian. It was his insight into the past that began the return to Traditionism in the first place. The Blake is the team’s critic, without his exceptional mind, these traditional values would not have sprung forth in clarity at all.

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