Macro Evolution is a Lie
No real evidence of Macro Evolution has ever been found, and yet scientists and teachers and all the major institutions in the world teach this unproven theory as absolute fact.
There has never been any proof of Macro Evolution, despite this, scientists and colleges teach the theory as absolute fact. Today it is nearly impossible to find any mainstream source that talks about science from a scientific point of view regarding evolution. Instead, research and teaching facilities begin with an assumed bias regarding the origin of species and never stop to consider whether or not their starting point is in the wrong place. This has led to many dangerous ideas and has seriously stunted scientific progress.
Micro Evolution we can see every day in simple things like dog breeds looking very different from one another, or from any plant or animal that adapts to its environment to better survive. All organisms have a built in spectrum of potential adaptability, but that spectrum has absolute limits. Never in any research by any scientist has there been found any evidence that one species has mutated into another species. Despite the obvious need for proof, the unproven theory that is Macro Evolution has not a single shred of scientific evidence to back it up. Naturally, if all the known species today evolved from lesser organisms, as the theory propagates, there ought to be literal mountains of evidence corroborating the notion; but there is not a single transitioning life form found in any fossil records, historical texts, or even common human experience or traditions. Despite this gaping hole in the place of real, concrete evidence, it is, today, impossible to find a credible institution that teaches Macro Evolution as an unverified theory, instead, all the major institutions today teach Macro Evolution as a fact.
There are two possible explanations for this bizarre phenomenon of faith before fact in the modern scientific community. The first is that scientists and teachers are no longer using their minds to reason and just accept in blind faith that which their forebears taught them, and their forebears in turn abandoned reason to do the same. The second possible explanation is that these institutions know full well that they are lying to us but refuse to deviate from the notion of Macro Evolution because they need something to replace God and this is the best solution they could find. Both possibilities are likely, but neither one is good for us. We need our scientists to take their science seriously, and not to rely on insane, unproven theories. Instead, we need our institutions to actually test their own theories and be willing to follow the science–instead of scientists.
The theory of Macro Evolution is utterly illogical. No animal or plant could evolve to be better than it is without destroying both its nature and the environment. A bee, for example, would not be better with a more robust fighting mechanism and superior armor and greater amounts of aggression to fend off predators; these things would destroy the bee and harm its purpose rather than help it. No one can make a better bee. The bee is perfect and to alter its natural state can only damage the environment that depends on a more docile bee and would be significantly damaged by a more aggressive bee. The idea that the bee is evolving towards some other, better form is actually insane.
The environment always suffers catastrophic damage in a frighteningly short period of time when the natural balance of nature is disturbed. Simply removing predators like wolves from forests caused massive overpopulation of rabbits, mice, deer and other creatures, which in turn overgrazed the foliage which severely damaged plant and insect life. The removal of wolves even made the populations of deer sick from too many deer and not enough food. The lack of predators also meant that the deer did not need to move while they ate, so they defecated where they ate and got wasting disease. Humans now must play the role of wolves in the environment or else the deer populations will get absolutely out of control and will seriously damage themselves and the environment. Nature cannot balance itself through evolution to make up for even one small change like the removal of wolves, so imagine what would happen if the bees turned into something else and the pollination of our world was affected!
The only way that any one species could possibly evolve in the manner put forth by Macro Evolution would require that the entire natural world must evolve equally and simultaneously with the evolving species. Otherwise the environment would suffer catastrophic damage. This is the idea of universal Macro Evolution and it is both silly and absolutely unproven. The only way that this could happen is if all of nature collectively decided to evolve, and the only being capable of communicating such a directive is God. If God commands all of nature to evolve, than this notion is possible. Otherwise the theory of Macro Evolution in any form will always remain a fantasy of the God-Haters.