American Secret Police
Freedom and the FBI Cannot Co-Exist
Our government just gave us confirmation of what many Americans have known or suspected for years, the FBI is one with the enemy. No society can tolerate for long the effects of a secret police, and what House Republicans just released to the public about the covert dealings of the FBI is unsurprising. Appalling evil is what we should expect out of secret police organizations, since this is what typically happens historically. While the actions of the American Secret Police have not yet reached the levels that many other tyrannical governments, they are beginning to gain more and more tyrannical steam. Certain revelations like the “investigation” of American parents speaking out at school board meetings are par for the course for institutions like the KGB and SS. Political assassinations of rivals is expected, and even real assassinations should not be unexpected.
The released document details 23 areas in which the FBI is revealed in the naked light of day to be fulfilling its inevitable, dark destiny:
- FBI Leadership Is Abusing its Law-Enforcement Authorities for Political Reasons
- The FBI is artificially inflating and manipulating domestic violent extremism statistics for political purposes
- The FBI is artificially padding domestic violent extremism statistics by pressuring agents to reclassify investigations
- The Washington Field Office is manipulating its case filing system to feign a nationwide rise in domestic terrorism
- A senior FBI official responsible for pushing DVE investigations has an alleged history of impropriety and political bias
- The FBI appears to have manufactured at least one DVE case: the attempted kidnapping of Governor Gretchen Whitmer
- The FBI downplayed and sought to reduce the spread of the serious allegations of wrongdoing leveled against Hunter Biden
- The Justice Department and FBI is using counterterrorism resources to target parents resisting a far-left educational curriculum
- Attorney General Garland issued a memorandum that inserted federal law enforcement into local school board meetings
- The Biden Administration colluded with the NSBA to create a justification to use federal law enforcement against parents
- The Justice Department is using criminal and counterterrorism resources to tag and investigate parents
- The FBI is abusing its foreign surveillance authorities
- The Justice Department and FBI conducted an unprecedented raid on a former president’s home
- The FBI stalked a Republican Congressman while on a family vacation to seize his personal cell phone
- The Justice Department and the FBI continue to allow attacks on pro-life facilities and churches to go unabated, while pushing an anti-life agenda
- The FBI conducted an “intelligence” assessment of a conservative charity under the guise of investigating unrelated alleged crimes
- The FBI appears to not be aggressively investigating pipe bombs placed by political party headquarters on January 6, 2021, while prioritizing other January 6, 2021-related investigations
- The FBI Is Purging Conservative Employees and Helping to Censor Conservative Viewpoints Online
- The FBI is purging employees who refuse to align themselves with the leadership’s political ideology
- The FBI is helping Big Tech to censor Americans’ political speech
- The FBI’s guidance to Facebook about potential “misinformation” triggered content moderation related to the 2020 presidential election
- Whistleblower suggests the FBI has a “special relationship” with Facebook in which it accepts private user information without any consent or legal process
- These episodes are all part of a larger effort within the Biden Administration to use law-enforcement resources to punish conservative views
An unfettered, unaccountable secret police is always the greatest indication of the Tyrannical stage in the Cycle. No free society needs a shadowy police organization carefully manipulating the national narrative and arresting and defaming anyone it deems a threat. It is clearer than ever that the FBI, and indeed all secret police organizations in the USA need to be dismantled. These secret police organizations cannot be saved in any way because they are fundamentally evil institutions. No good that the FBI does is worth the cost. What has played out with the FBI is what always plays out historically with secret police organizations, they are initially peddled as “for our benefit,” but always end up targeting and destroying the very people they were initially designed to protect.
Talk of the rot at the core of the bureau while the field offices remain pure is rubbish. The idea that an institution that can fabricate an entire plot to kidnap a sitting governor and somehow remain a wholesome institution is preposterous. The “field agents” of every institution will always follow whatever leadership is in charge, this is the nature of all organizations. ONLY the leadership matters. It does not matter if the average rank and file soldier of the secret police is a decent person, the IDEA of the institution is evil, and corrupts everyone in it. Secretly spying on the citizens of their own country, the FBI is like the huge, bloated body of Shelob waiting to drop down upon us and suck us dry. The FBI must be dismantled forever.