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5 Metrics that Prove that Monarchies Provide a Better Standard of Living

By the Numbers, Monarchies vs the World

Economics determine the vast majority of humanity’s stress levels, and consequent happiness, and much work has been done by brilliant minds all over the world to help us figure out how to make the best economies for ourselves. However, as incredible as some of these brilliant scientists have been, typically economics begins one level too deep. It is of great help and impact to measure such things as Socialism and Capitalism in nations, as well as all the minutia of daily transactions and corruption in governments, but this study proposes not to throw out all the great economic work that has gone before, but to simply measure the type of government first. The difference between Monarchies and Representative Governments is huge and has lasting impact greater even than the economic policies of Left vs Right.

As a result, it was the intention of this study to measure the impact type of government has on the nations of the world and to compare and contrast between Monarchies and all other forms of government in five factors of economic prosperity. All the countries of the world were included in this study and the different continents were broken down into separate results. This is because measuring apples to apples in terms of region is important even in macroeconomics when the object is real life standards of living. African Monarchies should not be compared to European Monarchies, for example, since that would be an apple to orange comparison. After every country with available data was measured, the results proved definitively that Monarchies provide a far superior engine of economic freedom and safety than any other form of government.

The five metrics analysed wherever data was available are:


(How much money the average person in a country will take home per year)

2.     Corruption Perception Index

(How corrupt a country is, from bribery to Legal protection for people who report cases of bribery and corruption)

3.     Military Spending as a Percentage of GDP

(How much of the whole nation’s money is spent on military defence)

4.     Government Spending as a Percentage of GDP

(How much of the whole nation’s money is spent per year by the government)

5.     Credit Worthiness of the Nation

(The entire country’s credit score)

These metrics were chosen because of good, reliable data in these categories, and because they cover nearly every macro-aspect of a real person’s economic life. GDP PER CAPITA is important because it literally measures how many $$ the average person earns per year. Corruption is important because it affects nearly every aspect of a nation’s economy, a corrupt country is a fundamentally unfair country. Military spending is important because that keeps greedy neighbours from being able to play robber baron with the people of the country, and safe countries are prosperous countries. Government spending is a good indicator of a solid safety net for those in a nation that are struggling, this is important because life is not always easy and progressive. Credit worthiness of a nation is important because that determines whether or not businesses of other nations want to do business with the people of that country, and business is money. A nation where people earn a lot of money per year, are not burdened by corrupt politicians stealing everything for themselves, are protected from invasion, whose government will provide safety nets in case of catastrophe, and whose businesses are booming have a much better standard of living for the real people living in those nations than in the places where these things are not as good.


Countries in Europe

The 45 countries in Europe in alphabetical order

#PopulationOfficial Country NameGDP Per CapitaCPIMilitary SpendingCost of GovernmentCredit Rating S&PCredit Rating in Numbers
12,877,808Republic of Albania$13,000351.632.649B+35
277,276Principality of Andorra$49,500BBB+65
39,006,409Republic of Austria$51,90074.657.895AA+95
49,449,334Republic of Belarus$19,100411.238.401B30
511,589,634Kingdom of Belgium$48,20073.960.796AA90
63,280,830Bosnia and Herzegovina$14,30035.946.625B30
76,948,456Republic of Bulgaria$22,400421.438.776BBB60
84,105,278Republic of Croatia$26,50047154.960BBB-55
910,708,992Czech Republic (Czechia)$38,30054.947.860AA-85
105,792,213Kingdom of Denmark$55,900881.155.076AAA100
111,326,546Republic of Estonia$35,600742.444.730AA-85
125,540,731Republic of Finland$47,300881.356.722AA+95
1365,273,522French Republic$42,000711.762.403AA90
1483,783,953Federal Republic of Germany$50,90080151.094AAA100
1510,423,065Hellenic Republic (Greece)$27,300492.658.187BB-40
16812Holy See (Vatican)
18341,254Republic of Iceland$52,30074049.694A75
2060,461,837Republic of Italy$39,000561.357.254BBB60
211,886,209Republic of Latvia$29,000592.542.508A+80
232,722,300Republic of Lithuania$36,700611.942.024A+80
24625,989Grand Duchy of Luxembourg$110,30081.647.537AAA100
25441,554Republic of Malta$39,20054.545.925A-70
264,033,974Republic of Moldova$12,30036.436.785B30
2739,253Principality of Monaco$115,700
2917,134,883Kingdom of the Netherlands$54,200821.246.899AAA100
302,022,558Republic of North Macedonia$15,800391.836.269BB-40
315,421,252Kingdom of Norway$63,600851.958.154AAA100
3237,846,622Republic of Poland$32,200561.748.945A-70
3310,196,720Portuguese Republic$32,20062.748.123BBB60
35145,934,473Russian Federation$26,50029438.783BBB-55
3633,942Republic of San Marino$60,80024.408BB+50
378,737,382Republic of Serbia$18,200381.948.565BB+50
385,459,653Slovak Republic (Slovakia)$30,300521.349.553A+80
392,078,949Republic of Slovenia$36,50057.853.232AA-85
4046,754,789Kingdom of Spain$36,20061.852.259A75
4110,099,276Kingdom of Sweden$50,700851.153.062AAA100
428,654,633Swiss Confederation (Switzerland)$68,40084.836.264AAA100
4384,339,078Republic of Turkey$28,400381.234.634B+35
4567,886,022United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland$41,600782.350.273AA90
Totals All:831,573,311$1,891,600.00235856.8 1926.5243005
Totals Monarchy 165,459,538$765,0006339.9 424.056920
Totals Other: 666,113,773$1,126,600172546.9 1502.4682085
Total Countries Measured: 45433941 4143
Monarchies Measured: 121189 810
Other govs Measured: 33323132 3333
Not Measured: 264 42

12 Monarchies of Europe

  1. Andorra
  2. Belgium
  3. Denmark
  4. Liechtenstein
  5. Luxembourg
  6. Monaco
  7. Netherlands
  8. Norway
  9. Spain
  10. Sweden
  11. United Kingdom
  12. Vatican City

-GDP Per Capita

Europe GDP Per Capita for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 44
  • Average: $42,990.91

Europe GDP Per Capita for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 11
  • Average: $69,545.46

Europe GDP Per Capita for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 33
  • Average: $34,139.40


  • Monarchies
  • $ 35,406.06 Higher GDP Per Capita for Monarchies in Europe

-Corruption Perception Index

Europe CPI for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 44
  • Average: 53.59

Europe CPI for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 8
  • Average: 79.125

Europe CPI for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 32
  • Average: 53.91


  • Monarchies
  • 25.215% Higher CPI Scores for Monarchies in Europe

-Percentage of Military Spending per GDP

Europe Military Spending per GDP for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 41
  • Average: 1.386%

Europe Military Spending per GDP for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 8
  • Average: 1.238%

Europe Military Spending per GDP for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 32
  • Average: 1.466%


  • Other Governments
  • .228% higher when Russia is considered a part of Europe, and when Ukraine and Russia are actively at war.

-Government Spending as a Percentage of GDP

Europe Government Spending per GDP for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 40
  • Average: 48.16%

Europe Government Spending per GDP for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 8
  • Average: 53.01%

Europe Government Spending per GDP for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 32
  • Average: 46.95%


  • Monarchies
  • Monarchies spend 6.06% more than other forms of government in Europe

-Credit Worthiness

Europe Credit Rating for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 43
  • Average: 69.88

Europe Credit Rating for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 10
  • Average: 92

Europe Credit Rating for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 33
  • Average: 63.18


  • Monarchies
  • Monarchies have a 28.82% higher credit score than other forms of government in Europe


Countries in Asia:

The up-to-date list of the fifty countries of Asia in alphabetical order

#Official NamePopulationGDP Per CapitaCPIMilitary SpendingGovernment expenditure by % of GDPCredit RatingRating in Numbers
1Islamic Republic of Afghanistan38,928,357$2,000163.329.508BB-40
2Republic of Armenia2,963,254$12,600494.431.152B+35
3Republic of Azerbaijan10,139,188$13,700305.240.358BB+50
4Kingdom of Bahrain1,701,586$40,900424.236.117B+35
5People’s Republic of Bangladesh164,689,394$4,800261.215.029BB-40
6Kingdom of Bhutan771,619$10,90068132.276BB+50
7Brunei Darussalam437,490$62,2003.126.540AA-85
8Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Burma)54,409,811$4,500283.421.648BB+50
9Kingdom of Cambodia16,718,976$4,200232.524.171B-25
10People’s Republic of China1,439,323,787$16,400451.536.980A+80
11Republic of Cyprus1,207,370$37,700531.847.363BBB-55
13Republic of India1,380,004,396$6,100402.230.983BBB-55
14Republic of Indonesia273,523,626$11,40038.818.232BBB60
15Islamic Republic of Iran83,992,960$12,400252.317.953BB-40
16Republic of Iraq40,222,504$9,300233.749.751B-25
17State of Israel40,222,504$38,30059546.398AA-85
19Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan10,203,145$9,80049531.742B+35
20Republic of Kazakhstan18,776,718$25,30037125.483BBB-55
21State of Kuwait4,270,582$49,900436.865.856AA-85
22Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan)6,524,206$4,700271.739.765B30
23Lao People’s Democratic Republic7,275,571$7,80030.218.589CCC+20
24Lebanese Republic6,825,456$11,600243.221.768D0
26Republic of Maldives540,555$13,00040.00747.763CCC+20
28Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal29,136,819$3,800331.327.031CCC15
29Democratic People’s Republic of Korea25,778,827$1,7001623
30Sultanate of Oman5,106,637$27,30052851.643B+35
31Islamic Republic of Pakistan220,892,351$4,60028423.124B-25
32Palestine5,101,42532.232-(Part of Israel)
33Republic of the Philippines109,581,089$8,000331.125.108BBB+65
34State of Qatar2,881,064$85,30063434.300AA-85
35Kingdom of Saudi Arabia34,813,882$44,30053640.327A-70
36Republic of Singapore5,850,353$93,400853.226.627AAA100
37Republic of Korea (South Korea)51,269,196$42,300622.625.631AA90
38Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka21,413,260$12,500371.921.505CCC+20
39Syrian Arab Republic17,500,669$2,900136.5
40Republic of Tajikistan9,537,656$3,700251.229.664B-25
41Kingdom of Thailand69,799,989$17,300351.325.307BBB+65
42Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste1,318,456$3,200411.873.639BB+50
43Republic of Turkey84,339,078$28,400381.234.634BB-40
45United Arab Emirates9,890,413$67,100695.632.015AA90
46Republic of Uzbekistan33,469,214$7,000282.829.870BB-40
47Socialist Republic of Viet Nam97,338,590$8,200392.421.586BB45
48Republic of Yemen29,825,975$2,500164.515.286C5
Totals: 4,640,659,170$981,900.001811152.5071482.517 2175
Totals Monarchy: 698,542,580$506,40068951.4515.711 930
Totals Other: 3,942,116,590$475,5001092101.107966.806 1245
Total Countries Measured: 4847464746 45
Monarchies Measured: 1515141515 15
Other govs Measured: 3332323231 30
Not Measured: 01212 3

15 Monarchies of Asia

  1. Bhutan
  2. Brunei Darussalam
  3. Kingdom of Cambodia
  4. Japan
  5. Malaysia
  6. Kingdom of Thailand
  7. Kingdom of Bahrain
  8. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  9. State of Kuwait
  10. Sultanate of Oman
  11. State of Qatar
  12. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  13. United Arab Emirates
  14. Indonesia is a republic, however several provinces or regencies preserves their own monarchy, although only Special Region of Yogyakarta that retain actual administrative authority, the rest only holds cultural significance.
  15. Although the Philippines is a republic, the Southern Philippines have retained their monarchical traditions and are protected under the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997.

India and Pakistan

The British ruled Indian Empire became independent from British rule in 1947 and became the Dominion of India and the Dominion of Pakistan and in 1950 India became the Republic of India, in 1956 Pakistan became the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and in 1971 the province of East Pakistan separated from Pakistan to become Bangladesh. Princely states were only in the present-day countries of India and Pakistan, and not Bangladesh. The princely states who were vassal states of the British, had a certain degree of power and autonomy during the British Raj. The princely states had integrated into the newly independent India and Pakistan between 1947–1975 (the majority of states ascended into India or Pakistan in 1948) and the former monarchs of the princely states who joined before 1971 in India and before 1972 in Pakistan became titular rulers that received a privy purse and initially retained their statuses, privileges, and autonomy. During this time, the former princely states in India were merged into unions, each of which was headed by a former ruling prince with the title of Rajpramukh (ruling chief), equivalent to a state governor.[2]

In 1956, the position of Rajpramukh was abolished and the federations dissolved, the former principalities becoming part of Indian states. The states which acceded to Pakistan retained their status until the promulgation of a new constitution in 1956, when most became part of the province of West Pakistan; a few of the former states retained their autonomy until 1969 when they were fully integrated into Pakistan. The Indian Government formally derecognised the princely families in 1971, followed by the Pakistani Government in 1972, in which their titles, autonomy, and privy purses were take away. Presently the rulers of the former princely states are pretenders who carry out ceremonial roles.

There are currently 269 Princely States in India and Pakistan, however, these countries did not have even as strong a monarchical tradition as Indonesia and the Philippines, so they should not be counted as Monarchies in spite of their strong monarchical past.

-GDP Per Capita

Asia GDP Per Capita for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 47
  • Average: $20,891.49

Asia GDP Per Capita for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 15
  • Average: $33,760.00

Asia GDP Per Capita for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 33
  • Average: $14,859.36


  • Monarchies
  • $ 18,900.64 Higher GDP Per Capita for Monarchies in Asia

-Corruption Perception Index

Asia CPI for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 46
  • Average: 39.37

Asia CPI for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 14
  • Average: 49.21

Asia CPI for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 32
  • Average: 34.125


  • Monarchies
  • 15.089% Higher CPI Scores for Monarchies in Asia

-Percentage of Military Spending per GDP

Asia Military Spending per GDP for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 47
  • Average: 3.24

Asia Military Spending per GDP for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 15
  • Average: 3.427

Asia Military Spending per GDP for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 32
  • Average: 3.160


  • Monarchies
  • .267% higher than other form of government in Asia

-Government Spending as a Percentage of GDP

Asia Government Spending per GDP for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 46
  • Average: 32.229%

Asia Government Spending per GDP for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 15
  • Average: 34.381%

Asia Government Spending per GDP for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 31
  • Average: 31.187%


  • Monarchies
  • Monarchies spend 3.194% more than other governments in Asia

-Credit Worthiness

Asia Credit Rating for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 45
  • Average: 48.333

Asia Credit Rating for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 15
  • Average: 62

Asia Credit Rating for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 30
  • Average: 41.5


  • Monarchies
  • Monarchies have a 20.5% higher credit score than other forms of government In Asia


Countries in Africa

The 54 countries of Africa in alphabetical order

#Official NamePopulationGDP Per CapitaCPIMilitary SpendingGovernment SpendingCredit RatingRating in Num.
1People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria43,851,055$10,700335.637.983B+25
2Republic of Angola32,866,283$6,200291.419.906CCC+30
3Republic of Benin12,123,211$3,30042.719.675B+55
4Republic of Botswana2,351,638$16,00055336.381BBB+30
5Burkina Faso20,903,284$2,200422.426.858B30
6Republic of Burundi11,890,795$70019237.120B-35
7Republic of Cameroon26,545,874$3,60027117.306B-45
8Republic of Cabo Verde (formerly Cape Verde)555,998$6,00058.534.710B20
9Central African Republic4,829,778$900241.824.253B+30
10Republic of Chad16,425,875$1,500202.519.765B25
11Union of the Comoros869,612$3,10020.00518.564BB7.5
12Republic of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)26,378,285$5,200361.120.329BB-20
13Democratic Republic of the Congo89,561,414$1,10021.710.657CCC+35
14Republic of Djibouti988,011$5,500303.522.535BB35
15Arab Republic of Egypt102,334,415$12,000331.327.164B20
16Republic of Equatorial Guinea1,402,996$17,000171.319.448B+35
17State of Eritrea3,546,432$1,600221036.385CCC65
18Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland)1,163,491$8,400321.736.250B-25
19Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia114,963,599$2,30039.516.165B30
20Gabonese Republic2,225,745$14,400311.718.827CCC+25
21Republic of the Gambia2,416,679$2,20037.823.627B+30
22Republic of Ghana31,072,951$5,30043.528.279B-40
23Republic of Guinea13,132,806$2,700251.518.158BB-45
24Republic of Guinea-Bissau1,968,012$1,800211.826.150B+35
25Republic of Kenya53,771,307$4,200301.225.699B+25
26Kingdom of Lesotho2,142,260$2,300381.558.920B40
27Republic of Liberia5,057,692$1,40029.732.687B35
28State of Libya6,871,303$10,30017165.047 (massive debt)BB-35
29Republic of Madagascar27,691,029$1,50026.715.101B-30
30Republic of Malawi19,129,963$1,50035.932.758B25
31Republic of Mali20,250,844$2,200293.525.472CCC+30
32Islamic Republic of Mauritania4,649,669$5,00028 18.510B+20
33Republic of Mauritius1,271,779$19,50054.231.614BBB+65
34Kingdom of Morocco36,910,571$6,900394.536.312BBB-20
35Republic of Mozambique31,255,446$1,200261.230.833CCC+40
36Republic of Namibia2,540,916$8,90049341.231BB-35
37Republic of the Niger24,206,655$1,200311.823.387B-35
38Federal Republic of Nigeria206,139,600$4,90024.712.105B-35
39Republic of the Congo5,240,011$3,400192.523.123CCC+25
40Republic of Rwanda12,952,229$2,100531.428.554B+40
41Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe219,170$4,10045.826.733BB5
42Republic of Senegal16,743,938$3,300431.727.543B+20
43Republic of Seychelles98,358$24,400701.552.388B+35
44Republic of Sierra Leone7,976,994$1,60034.324.778B-25
45Federal Republic of Somalia15,893,233$800135.6CC0
46Republic of South Africa59,308,701$11,50044.840.107BB-30
47Republic of South Sudan11,193,736$1,60011238.876C30
48Republic of the Sudan43,849,271$4,00020110.769D0
49United Republic of Tanzania59,734,229$2,600391.115.929B40
50Togolese Republic (Togo)8,278,735$2,100301.823.177B15
51Republic of Tunisia11,818,630$9,70044337.471B40
52Republic of Uganda45,741,018$2,200272.521.153B30
53Republic of Zambia18,383,966$3,300331.333.986D40
54Republic of Zimbabwe14,862,935$2,700232.615.619BB30
Totals: 1,338,552,427$284,100.00175997.1051566.377 1647.5
Totals Monarchy: 40,216,322$17,6001097.7131.482 110
Totals Other: 1,298,336,105$266,500165089.4051434.895 1537.5
Total Countries Measured: 5454545253 54
Monarchies Measured: 33333 3
Other governments Measured: 5151514950 51
Not Measured: 00020 0

3 Monarchies of Africa

  1. Morocco
  2. Eswatini
  3. Lesotho

-GDP Per Capita

African GDP Per Capita for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 54
  • Average: $5,261.11

African GDP Per Capita for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 3
  • Average: $5,866.67

African GDP Per Capita for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 51
  • Average: $5,225.49


  • Monarchies
  • $641.18 Higher GDP Per Capita for Monarchies in Africa

-Corruption Perception Index

African CPI for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 54
  • Average: 32.57

African CPI for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 3
  • Average: 36.33

African CPI for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 51
  • Average: 32.35


  • Monarchies
  • 3.98% Higher CPI Scores for Monarchies in Africa

-Percentage of Military Spending per GDP

African Military Spending per GDP for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 52
  • Average: 1.867%

African Military Spending per GDP for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 3
  • Average: 2.567%

African Military Spending per GDP for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 49
  • Average: 1.825%


  • Monarchies
  • .742% higher for Monarchies in Africa

-Government Spending as a Percentage of GDP

African Government Spending per GDP for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 53
  • Average: 29.554%

African Government Spending per GDP for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 3
  • Average: 48.828%

African Government Spending per GDP for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 50
  • Average: 28.698%


  • Monarchies
  • Monarchies spend 20.13% more than other forms of government in Africa

-Credit Worthiness

African Credit Rating for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 54
  • Average: 30.51

African Credit Rating for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 3
  • Average: 36.667

African Credit Rating for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 51
  • Average: 30.147


  • Monarchies
  • Monarchies have a 6.52% higher credit score than other forms of government In Africa


Countries in Oceania:

There are 14 countries in Oceania today, according to United Nations official statistics. The full list is shown in the table below, with current population totals.

Not included in this total count and listed separately are:

  • The Cook Islands and Niue, both states in free association with New Zealand which are members of several UN specialized agencies and have been recognized “full treaty-making capacity”, but are neither member states nor non-member observer states.
  • Dependencies (or dependent territories, dependent areas) or Areas of Special Sovereignty (autonomous territories)
Rank Country NamePopulationGDP Per CapitaCPIMilitary SpendingCost of GovernmentCredit RatingRating in Numbers
8 Australia25,499,884$48,70073244.981AAA100
1 Fiji896,445$11,00551.435.070BB-40
11 Kiribati119,449$2,300108.042BBB60
4 Marshall Islands59,190$4,000– (Provided by US)66.431
5 Micronesia548,914$3,50066.723BBB-55
13 Nauru10,824$13,500 134.523
6 New Zealand4,822,233$42,400881.342.423AA90
10 Palau18,094$17,60053.978
2 Papua New Guinea8,947,024$4,10031.420.139B-25
9 Samoa198,414$6,30032.285BBB60
3 Solomon Islands686,884$2,5004333.786B-25
14 Tonga105,695$6,4002.140.676A-70
12 Tuvalu11,792$4,400124.429
7 Vanuatu307,145$2,8004552.223BBB-55
Totals:  42,231,987$158,500.002357.2855.7090580
Totals Monarchy:  40,073,512$108,5001005.8306.434 310
Totals Other:  2,158,475$50,0001001.4549.275 270
Total Countries Measured:  14146514 10
Monarchies Measured:  66446 5
Other governments Measured:  88218 5
Not Measured:  00890 4

Dependencies or other territories

Dependency ofGDP Per CapitaCPIMilitary SpendingCost of GovernmentStandard of LivingCredit Rating
1Northern Mariana Islands57,559U.S.A.      
2American Samoa55,191U.S.A.      
3New Caledonia285,498France      
4French Polynesia280,908France      
5Cook Islands17,564(partly New Zealand)      
7Niue1,626(partly New Zealand)      
8Tokelau1,357New Zealand      
9Wallis & Futuna11,239France     

The population for all the dependencies and territories is less than a million people, so they were not measured separately, additionally little to no economic information was available for them. (Actual population total combined: 879,717)

  7 Current monarchies of Oceania

  1. Australia
  2. New Zealand
  3. Papua New Guinea
  4. Solomon Islands
  5. Tonga
  6. Tuvalu
  7. Wallis and Futuna (Not measured because it is too small)

-GDP Per Capita

Oceanian GDP Per Capita for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 14
  • Average: $ 11,321.43

Oceanian GDP Per Capita for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 6
  • Average: $18,083.33

Oceanian GDP Per Capita for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 8
  • Average: $6,250


  • Monarchies
  • $11,833.00 Higher GDP Per Capita for Monarchies in Oceania

-Corruption Perception Index

Oceanian CPI for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 6
  • Average: 55.833

Oceanian CPI for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 4
  • Average: 58.75

Oceanian CPI for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 2
  • Average: 50


  • Monarchies
  • 8.75% Higher CPI Scores for Monarchies in Oceania

-Percentage of Military Spending per GDP

Oceanian Military Spending per GDP for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 5
  • Average: 1.46

Oceanian Military Spending per GDP for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 4
  • Average: 1.45

Oceanian Military Spending per GDP for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 1
  • Average: 1.4


  • Monarchies
  • .05% higher than other forms of government in Oceania.

-Government Spending as a Percentage of GDP

Oceanian Government Spending per GDP for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 14
  • Average: 61.122

Oceanian Government Spending per GDP for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 6
  • Average: 51.072

Oceanian Government Spending per GDP for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 8
  • Average: 68.659


  • Other forms of government
  • Other governments spend 17.587% more than Monarchies in Oceania

-Credit Worthiness

Oceanian Credit Rating for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 10
  • Average: 58

Oceanian Credit Rating for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 5
  • Average: 62

Oceanian Credit Rating for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 5
  • Average: 54


  • Monarchies
  • Monarchies have an 8% higher credit score than other forms of government In Oceania

The Americas (north and south)

Countries in North America

The 24 countries of the Americas in alphabetical order

#Official Country NamePopulationGDP Per CapitaCPIMilitary SpendingGovernment Expenditure by % of GDPCredit RatingRating in Numbers
1Antigua and Barbuda97,940$18,000.525.706
1Argentine Republic45,195,785$19,70038.841.635CCC+20
12Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela28,435,951$7,704145.210.929D0
9Commonwealth of Dominica71,997$9,9005537.822BBB-55
2Commonwealth of the Bahamas393,255$30,80064.923.430BB-40
10Dominican Republic10,847,921$17,00030.721.466BB-40
11Eastern Republic of Uruguay3,473,741$21,600732.333.273BBB60
3Federative Republic of Brazil212,559,428$14,100381.342.730BB-40
2Plurinational State of Bolivia11,673,032$7,900301.436.299B+35
4Republic of Chile19,116,212$23,30067228.972A+80
5Republic of Colombia50,882,902$13,40039333.443BBB-55
7Republic of Costa Rica5,094,129$19,70058.722.939B30
8Republic of Cuba11,326,627$12,300464.2CCC15
6Republic of Ecuador17,643,065$10,30036236.850B-25
11Republic of El Salvador6,486,216$8,100341.233.101B-25
13Republic of Guatemala17,915,579$8,40025.415.715BB-40
7Republic of Guyana786,563$18,70039129.037BBB-55
14Republic of Haiti11,402,539$2,80020.00310.001CCC15
15Republic of Honduras9,904,618$5,100231.627.844BB-40
18Republic of Nicaragua6,624,565$5,30020.630.269B-25
19Republic of Panama4,314,778$25,400361.428.609BBB60
8Republic of Paraguay7,132,549$12,30030125.177BB45
9Republic of Peru32,971,865$11,300361.126.376BBB+65
10Republic of Suriname586,643$16,100391.239.470D0
23Republic of Trinidad and Tobago1,399,499$23,70041134.294BBB-55
20Saint Kitts and Nevis52,441$23,300?37.966
21Saint Lucia181,889$12,3005630.095BBB-55
22Saint Vincent and The Grenadines110,951$12,1005936.582B-25
17United Mexican States128,932,764$17,90031.829.118BBB60
24United States of America331,002,662$60,200673.546.179AA+95
Totals: 1,018,191,345$659,204.00138044.9131060.39501415
Totals Monarchy: 42,049,992$172,3003505.5305.392 275
Totals Other: 976,141,353$486,904103039.413755.003 1140
Total Countries Measured: 3636363134 34
Monarchies Measured: 99659 7
Other governments Measured: 2727262625 27
Not Measured: 00452 2

French Guiana is an overseas territory of France and not an independent country.

There are no monarchies in South America

  American monarchies

  1. Antigua and Barbuda
  2.  The Bahamas
  3. Belize
  4. Canada
  5. Grenada
  6. Jamaica
  7. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  8. Saint Lucia
  9. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

-GDP Per Capita

American GDP Per Capita for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 36
  • Average: $18,311.22

American GDP Per Capita for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 9
  • Average: $19,144.44

American GDP Per Capita for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 27
  • Average: $18,033.48


  • Monarchies
  • $1,110.96 Higher GDP Per Capita for Monarchies in America

-Corruption Perception Index

American CPI for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 36
  • Average: 38.33

American CPI for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 9
  • Average: 38.89

American CPI for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 26
  • Average: 34.33


  • Monarchies
  • 4.557% Higher CPI Scores for Monarchies in America

-Percentage of Military Spending per GDP

American Military Spending per GDP for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 36
  • Average: 1.248%

American Military Spending per GDP for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 9
  • Average: 1.1%

American Military Spending per GDP for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 26
  • Average: 1.52%


  • Other Forms of government
  • Other forms of government spend .416% more than Monarchies in the Americas (Though it rather hard to compete in terms of military strength with the USA in your hemisphere…)

-Government Spending as a Percentage of GDP

American Government Spending per GDP for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 36
  • Average: 31.188%

American Government Spending per GDP for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 9
  • Average: 33.932%

American Government Spending per GDP for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 25
  • Average: 30.200%


  • Monarchies
  • Monarchies spend 3.732% more than other governments in the Americas

-Credit Worthiness

American Credit Rating for all Governments

  • Countries Measured: 33
  • Average: 42.879

American Credit Rating for Monarchies:

  • Countries Measured: 6
  • Average: 45.83

American Credit Rating for other forms of government:

  • Countries Measured: 27
  • Average: 42.22


  • Monarchies
  • Monarchies have an 3.61% higher credit score than other forms of government In the Americas

Everything in the Americas is overshadowed by the United States of America, however, even with this consideration, Monarchies still outclass all other forms of government in four out of five metrics in the Americas, which is an astounding finding.


Monarchies beat ALL other forms of government around the world when measured by the strength of their neighbors. In five major categories, Monarchies are proven to have a better Standard of Living for the average person in their borders than the average man in the rest of the region.

Results by the Numbers:

·       Europe: 4/5 win for Monarchies

·       Asia: 5/5 win for Monarchies

·       Africa: 5/5 win for Monarchies

·       Oceania: 4/5 win for Monarchies

·       The Americas: 4/5 win for Monarchies

·       Worldwide: 22/25 win for Monarchies

It is no longer possible to ignore the beneficial element Monarchies provide to their people.

Jonathon Roberts

With a burning need to pursue ultimate truth, and an inability to exist without writing SOMETHING today, Jonathon harnessed his vision and drive into the creation of the Traditionist party; a platform designed to reconcile politics and religion, establish a family-centric value system, and pursue the building up of the truly natural man. Using his talent for wordsmithing, Jonathon has created compelling, factual content on multiple platforms, and ceaselessly pursues the dialectic. With an unwavering eye, he has dedicated his life to the building up of Traditionism in his own heart, and helping his fellow man along the way. In this time of trouble, Jonathon found that he was compelled to lay out a visionary plan of saving the remnant.

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