
You Will Make More Money in a Monarchy – pros and cons of monarchy part 6

2 more cons of Monarchy

On average living in a monarchy is going to get you an extra $1,500 in your pocket per year. This is because Monarchies are superior in the fields of reducing corruption and protecting property rights. The protection of property rights is key to liberty and reducing tyranny, and monarchies consistently perform better than Democracies and Republics (and, of course, Dictatorships!), which make Monarchies more resilient to change and to upheavals around the world. Additionally, countries with a monarchy have a higher than average overall GDP, with sixty percent of the top ten richest countries in the world per capita being Monarchies. Kings and Queens also help their countries to have a higher credit score, which helps businesses to thrive. Overall, Monarchies are far better suited to protect the little guy and improve the overall standard of living for their own people than any other form of government ever attempted. So… If you want more money, choose monarchy!

This episode examines and refutes 2 cons typically associated with monarchy:

  1. Monarchy promotes wealth inequality
  2. Monarchies reduce upward mobility

Jonathon Roberts

With a burning need to pursue ultimate truth, and an inability to exist without writing SOMETHING today, Jonathon harnessed his vision and drive into the creation of the Traditionist party; a platform designed to reconcile politics and religion, establish a family-centric value system, and pursue the building up of the truly natural man. Using his talent for wordsmithing, Jonathon has created compelling, factual content on multiple platforms, and ceaselessly pursues the dialectic. With an unwavering eye, he has dedicated his life to the building up of Traditionism in his own heart, and helping his fellow man along the way. In this time of trouble, Jonathon found that he was compelled to lay out a visionary plan of saving the remnant.

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